Thursday, July 5, 2018

Stuff i drew...Yay

I got bored and decided to draw.
I drew a Lucario from Pokemon,myself, and a random silver heart.❤💗

Random heart

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Just a Dream (writing challenge)

You go for a walk one day and find a large, golden egg with green spots. Suddenly, it begins to shake and crack. Out pops a baby tiger with golden wings, and weird green spots on its tummy.
You look at it for a moment and then your mind remembers something…this thing could rip you to pieces. You run as fast as you can. You broke your leg last week riding your bike, so you are running away from a fast, deadly beast with crutches and a cast on your leg. You hope it's slow, but just in case you run in the forest and hope it's dumb.

You slow down and sit on a rock and rest before moving on. You go far into the woods, and just like you thought, the dumb Monster did not follow you. You are trying to find a cave because the cold night is approaching. You climb a tree, but can’t see any sight of a river or cave. You decide to walk a little to the right and continue walking that way. Then you come across the thing you have been wanting…. a cave with a river!

You have completely lost track of home, so you decide you will stay for the night. You start a fire in your cave. You create a bed using leaves as a pillow and your puffy jacket as a mattress. you go to the river and scoop the freezing water in your hands. You sip the water and shiver. You scurry back to your cave and try to fall asleep.

Just as you're falling asleep something licks your cheek. It was the baby monster, with golden wings and weird green spots on its belly. You run up the closest tree and scream for help. People gather around the tree. Your mother begins to yell at you for waking everyone up and being late for curfew. You try to warn the neighbors about the deadly beast, but they think you’re crazy.
“Beep! Beep! Beep!” goes your alarm you rush downstairs and you ask your mom what happened last night. Your mom describes a normal night and you realize it was a dream.    The End

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Baby Chat

#1.knock knock.
WHO's there?
Who. Who who.
NO!Owls say who who baby's say goo goo.
#2.It's called baby chat but baby's can't chat!!!! 
#3. Peak-A-Boo more like goo goo!
THE END of baby chat

(Originally posted on April 2016, but the post somehow accidentally got deleted.)

Meeting Pallas!!!!

Hello,my name is Pallas. I know,i know it is a cool name. I have a big brother (Tayne),little brother(Crosby),dad (Bryon)and a grandpa (Daniel). I live in a house with all boys. I'm a very kind loving person.

(Originally posted on April 2016, but the post somehow accidentally got deleted.)

Stuff i drew...Yay

I got bored and decided to draw. I drew a Lucario from Pokemon,myself, and a random silver heart.❤💗 Lucario Me Rand...